In the area of software I’m going to do three things this year.
1. Practice TDD
Recently it clicked in my head that TDD isn’t that much a testing tool but a design tool. If it is possible to test the production code with simple tests then the production code itself is simple enough. As TDD is so important I intend to bring my TDD skills up a notch. Therefore I do 10 (different) Katas (or similarly complicated excercises) and I will particularly focus on doing them using TDD.
2. Create a Mobile Application with 3D Graphics and Physics Engine
I have always wanted to use some game engine and 3D graphics. Last year I wrote a simple 3D application in JavaScript using THREE.js and Physijs. This year I will do something similar for mobile devices puttygen 615-544-7031 Telephone Area 200 Phone Number Trace , probably Android. I need to find a game engine with a physics engine, learn some Java and create the application using the game engine.
3. Read Books on Design and Architecture
I intend to improve my design skills. Therefore I will read some (like 3) books on software architecture or design. One book is Michael Feather’s “Working Effectively with Legacy Code”. Another might be Martin Fowler’s “Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture”. Still another might be “Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests”. I will see which ones…